Monday, July 22, 2013

God Will Anoint You For Battle

fs we all know, and as we explained to you in our article titled, “Trials and Tribulations – The Testing of Your Faith,” most people in this life will have to face a certain amount of trials and tribulations, and this includes every single Christian.

In the above article, we give you all of the main verses from the Bible as to why this has to occur even to Christians who are fully serving the Lord and walking in His perfect will for their lives.

In this article I want to point out and highlight for you, that even though we all have to go through a certain amount of trials and tribulations in this life, God will still be with you and help you get through each storm cloud that will come into your life. God will not leave you, forsake you, or turn His back on you just because you have fallen into the middle of a severe trial.

If you are walking in a true full surrender with the Lord where He is now in full control of your entire life, then what you will find occurring as you go through each storm cloud in your life, is that God will anoint you right in the middle of each of these trials. And when God anoints you in the heat of these battles, you will literally have the power of the Holy Spirit Himself flowing and operating through you so you can make it all the way to the end of the trial and come out with a complete victory if that is how God will want it to turn out.
When God anoints you for these types of battles, He will give you both
 His power and His specific battle strategies on how to handle each of the different parts of the trial. For example:
  • If your husband has just left you for another woman, God will then guide you through the painful and messy divorce you will now have to go through, along with giving you His power and strength to be able to weather this kind of bad trial
  • If you have just lost your job and your life’s savings are now dwindling, God will guide you to the next new job He will want you to have, along with helping you with your current finances until you can get that next new job
  • If your son is hooked on drugs, God will help guide you through it by giving you the specific steps that you will need to take on your end, along with what He will be doing on His end to get your child fully rescued and delivered
  • If you have been unjustly sued by another individual or company, then God will help guide you through it by leading you to which attorneys will need to take your case on, along with giving you His divine favor along the way with all of the different players who will be involved with the case
  • If you have been caught in a marriage or dating relationship where your husband or boyfriend is physically abusing you, God will give you His knowledge, wisdom and power on how to handle this kind of an extreme situation so you do not get yourself seriously injured or killed
Due to the fallen world we all still have to live in, there are literally an endless number of examples in this life where you will need God’s help to get you safely through. All you have to do is watch the daily news and you will see all of the different types of adversity many people will be forced to deal with in this life.

However, what I want to point out for you in this article is that if you are forced to take on a heavier type of trial like some of the ones mentioned above, not only will God move to take complete charge of the entire situation and help you out with what He will be doing on His end, but He will also anoint you with His divine power so you can fully accomplish what He will be asking you to do on your end.

And when God starts to anoint you with His divine power right in the middle of a real battle, you will find a wisdom, a strength, and a courage that will be beyond anything that you ever could have imagined.

You will literally, and I mean literally, feel God’s strength, wisdom, and courage start to flow and operate through you as you navigate through different parts of the trial. And this will be God’s wisdom, strength, and courage that will be flowing through you – not your own natural wisdom, strength, and courage.

The anointing of God is simply the power of the Holy Spirit flowing and operating through you so you can fully accomplish what God wants you to do for Him. And if you are in the middle of a severe trial, then God will release His anointing through you so you can make it all the way through the trial with a complete victory if that is how God will want it to turn out.

In this life there will be some trials that will come your way and God will simply tell you to sit back and do absolutely nothing on your end. God will then move to take the storm cloud out for you and you won’t even have to lift a finger. God will do all of the work for you.

In our article titled, “Battle Verses of the Bible,” we give you some of those kinds of battle verses where God will move ahead of you and completely take out the storm cloud for you.

However, there will be other times that God will ask you to march onto the battlefield and take the storm cloud head on, operating under His anointing to be able to do so. David had to literally march out on the battlefield and take Goliath head on in order to be able to defeat him. God did not ask him to sit on the sidelines. God told him to march out and face his enemy head on. And when he did, God anointed him with His power to be able to defeat this evil blasphemous giant with one perfectly, well-placed blow.

It was God’s anointing that gave David the power and the ability to take this giant down with one perfectly, well-placed blow. This was not a lucky shot – it was God’s anointing that made this shot a perfect shot the first time David released it. And in the same way, God can anoint you right in the middle of your own personal battles just like He did with David since He is no respecter of persons.

In many of the trials that will come your way in this life, you will need to take some specific steps on your end to get the problem resolved. You will need to take some kind of direct action. And as you are moving to take this direct action, God’s anointing will then come upon you to enable you to come through the trial with a complete victory just like He did with King David.

In this article, I want to give you two specific things on God’s anointing so you will know exactly what to look for once it is released for you.

First, I will give you some major power verses from the Bible showing you that
 God can literally anoint you with His divine power for any kind of storm cloud you may have to face in this life. And then I will end this article on the specific things that will happen for you once God’s anointing is released for you.

Many Christians miss what God is wanting to do for them once He releases His anointing upon them. Having the knowledge on the specific things that will occur for you once God releases His anointing for you will really help you in being able to recognize the anointing once it does come up on you. And then from there, actually work with it so you can fully accomplish what God will want you to do on your end.

Scripture Verses on the Anointing
Here are some of the most powerful verses in all of the Bible showing us that God can literally anoint us with His divine power to be able to take on any type of adverse situation that may come our way in this life.

Study these verses very carefully, and get them worked into your mind and your spirit so you will be fully ready to go to war if any storm cloud should ever come knocking on your door. These verses really need to be meditated on and chewed on so you can fully grasp what the Lord is trying to tell you with these extremely powerful verses.

  1. “For the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him.” (2 Chronicles 16:9)
  2. ”… but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.” (Daniel 11:32)
  3. “This is the word of the Lord to Zerubbabel: ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit,’ says the Lord of hosts. (Zechariah 4:6)
  4. “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)
  5. “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” (Acts 1:8)
  6. “For our gospel did not come to you in word only, but also in power, and in the Holy Spirit …” (1 Thessalonians 1:5)
  7. “For the kingdom of God is not in word but in power.” (1 Corinthians 4:20)
  8. “… in mighty signs and wonders, by the power of the Spirit of God …” (Romans 15:19)
  9. “Truly the signs of an apostle were accomplished among you with all perseverance, in signs and wonders and mighty deeds.” (2 Corinthians 12:12)
  10. “God also bearing witness both with signs and wonders, with various miracles, and gifts of the Holy Spirit …” (Hebrews 2:4)
  11. ”And they went out and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them and confirming the word through the accompanying signs. Amen.” (Mark 16:20)
  12. “And with great power the apostles gave witness to the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And great grace was upon them all.” (Acts 4:33)
  13. “But the anointing which you have received from Him abides in you …” (1 John 2:27)
  14. “But you have an anointing from the Holy One, and you know all things.” (1 John 2:20)
  15. “Then fear came upon every soul, and many wonders and signs were done through the apostles.” (Acts 2:43)
  16. “No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,” says the Lord. (Isaiah 54:17)
  17. “Through You we will push down our enemies; through Your name we will trample those who rise up against us. For I will not trust in my bow, nor shall my sword save me. But You have saved us from our enemies, and have put to shame those who hated us. In God we boast all day long, and praise Your name forever.” (Psalm 44:5)
  18. “No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you. Be strong and of good courage …” (Joshua 1:5)
  19. “Blessed be the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, and my fingers for battle – my lovingkindness and my fortress, my high tower and my deliverer, my shield and the One in whom I take refuge, who subdues my people under me.” (Psalm 144:1)
  20. “For You are my lamp, O Lord; the Lord shall enlighten my darkness. For by You I can run against a troop; by my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the Lord is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him.” (2 Samuel 22:29)
  21. “It is God who arms me with strength, and makes my way perfect. He makes my feet like the feet of deer, and sets me on high places. He teaches my hands to make war, so that my arms can bend a bow of bronze … I have pursued my enemies and overtaken them; neither did I turn back again till they were destroyed. I have wounded them, so that they were not able to rise; they have fallen under my feet. For You have armed me with strength for the battle; You have subdued under me those who rose up against me.” (Psalm 18:32,37)
  22. “Then He called His twelve disciples together and gave them power and authority over all demons, and to cure diseases.” (Luke 9:1)
  23. “And He called the twelve to Him, and began to send them out two by two, and gave them power over unclean spirits … And they cast out many demons, and anointed with oil many who were sick, and healed them.” (Mark 6: 7,13)
  24. “And when He had called His twelve disciples to Him, He gave them power over unclean spirits, to cast them out, and to heal all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease.” (Matthew 10:1)
  25. “But go rather to the lost sheep of the house of Israel. And as you go, preach, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand.’ Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out demons. Freely you have received, freely give.” (Matthew 10:6)

All of these verses are a real mouthful, as they are giving us major revelation that God can literally anoint us with His divine power for any battle that could ever come our way in this life. And if God is going to anoint us with His divine power to take on any type of storm cloud in this life, then we should have no fear of any trial, no matter how bad and how severe that trial may seem at the outset.
David had no fear when walking out to take on Goliath. Eagles of the sky have no fear when they are seen flying right through the middle of severe storm clouds or taking on other animals who are twice their size. In the same way, we should be just like King David and an eagle of the sky and be willing to take on any storm clouds that may come our way in this life with the same intensity, boldness, and courage.

What To Expect From God’s Anointing
When God’s anointing comes upon you so you can take on a storm cloud, there are 6 specific things that will occur for you. Study each one of these very carefully, as they can all be given to you free of charge from the Lord if you will just fully surrender your entire life over to Him as we have explained to you in our article titled, “The Full Surrender.”

Here are the 6 very special things that will occur for you once God anoints you for battle:

  1. God’s Protection 
  2. God’s Strength, Boldness and Courage 
  3. God’s Patience, Stamina, and Endurance to Last the Length of the Trial 
  4. God’s Knowledge and Wisdom on What to Do 
  5. God’s Knowledge and Wisdom on What to Say 
  6. God’s Favor
In other words, God will tell you what to do, what to say, give you all of the favor you will need with the different players who will be involved in the trial, along with giving you His divine protection, power, courage, and stamina so you can make it all the way to the end of the trial with a complete victory if that is how God will want it to turn out.

Now here is a breakdown on each of the above so you can see exactly how far God will be willing to work with you right in the middle of any type of trial you may have to go through in this life – no matter how bad and how severe the trial may end up being.

1. God’s Protection

The very first thing you will need to have going for you so you can make it safely through the trial in one piece is God’s full divine protection.
  • If you are trying to break away from a physically abusive relationship, then you will need God’s full protection so you do not get physically hurt from the abusive boyfriend or husband
  • If you are are being called to testify against a criminal in a courtroom of law for a crime he has committed, then you will need God’s full protection from his friends who may try and dissuade you from testifying against him
  • If you are a policeman called out to handle a crime in progress, you will need God’s full protection to safely apprehend the criminal without getting seriously injured or killed
  • If you are a fireman called out to handle a bad intense fire, you will need God’s full protection to keep you from being seriously injured or killed during the battle with the fire
  • If you are a soldier serving in the armed forces for the country you live in, and you are called out to go to some kind of war in another country, then you will need God’s full protection to keep you from being seriously injured or killed during all of the battles you will have to face
  • In the Stories and Testimonies Section of our site, we have a very good testimony of a woman who got God’s protection to come upon her from all of the physical abuse her husband had been inflicting on her during a good portion of their marriage. The title of this article is, “Pleading the Blood Against Physical Abuse.”

    If God does not protect you during some of these heavier types of trials, then you may never make it to the end of the trial. So without question, the very first thing you will need from the Lord is His divine protection so He can keep you in one piece as you journey through the trial.

    2. God’s Strength, Boldness, and Courage

    The second thing you are going to need from the Lord is His strength, courage, and boldness so you can take the trial head on like David did with Goliath. Many Christians let the trial defeat them right at the outset all due to major fear hitting them – and this is all before God even has a chance to show up with His anointing to get the job done for them.

    Depending on the severity of the trial, you may at first start out by literally shaking in your boots. Just the thought of having to go through the trial will send major shock waves through you, almost paralyzing you to death with fear. However, once God’s strength, courage, and boldness starts to flow through you, much, if not all of your fear will actually leave you. Once you literally feel God’s strength, courage, and boldness start to flow through you, you will feel like you could literally run right through a brick wall.

    I have personally felt this numerous times with the Lord over the years during some of the personal trials I have been through. And I can tell you from first-hand experience that God’s strength, boldness, and courage will override your own natural fears where you will then be able to properly function during the heat of some of the battles you will have to face during different parts of the trial.

    The other thing you will pick up when God starts to release His strength, courage, and boldness through you, is that there will at times be a noticeable increase in your physical energy levels. And once God increases your physical energy levels, you will feel like you could go all day long. This increase in your physical energy levels will occur during some of the more heated moments in the trial when you will really need it.

    So again, watch for all of this to occur with the Lord if He is asking you go through any type of a bad trial in this life. God’s strength, courage, and boldness flowing through you will give you the power and the ability to make it all the way through the trial with a complete victory if that is how God will want it to turn out.

    Here are several key power verses from the Bible that will show you that God can literally give you His strength, boldness, and courage when you will really need it in this life.
    1. I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Philippians 4:13)
    2. The Lord is my strength and my shield …” (Psalm 28:7)
    3. “In the day when I cried out, You answered me, and made me bold with strength in my soul.” (Psalm 138:3)
    4. “O God, You are more awesome than Your holy places. The God of Israel is He who gives strength and power to His people.” (Psalm 68:35)
    5. He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases strength.” (Isaiah 40:29)
    6. For the Lord will be your confidence, and will keep your foot from being caught.” (Proverbs 3:26)
    7. “Yet the righteous will hold to his way, and he who has clean hands will be stronger and stronger.” (Job 17:9)
    8. They shall walk after the Lord. He will roar like a lion. When He roars, then His sons shall come trembling from the west …” (Hosea 11:10)
    If you are ever forced to take on a heavier type of trial in this life, print these verses out and really meditate and chew on each one of them, as they will all help you believe that God can really impart some of His own divine strength, boldness and courage in you so you can take your storm cloud head on and with full force like David did with Goliath.

    3. God’s Patience, Stamina, and Endurance to Last the Length of the Trial

    In addition to needing God’s strength, courage, and boldness, you will also need His stamina, endurance, and patience if the trial is going to have any kind of length to it.

    As we all know, trials can last anywhere from one day to several weeks, months, or possibly years. If you end up with a trial of a longer duration, then you are going to need God’s patience, stamina, and endurance operating through you so you can make it all of the way to the end of it.
    And again, this will be patience, stamina, and endurance that will be coming direct from God through the Holy Spirit. It will be God’s patience, stamina, and endurance flowing and operating through you – it will not be your own natural limited patience, stamina, and endurance.
    Your patience and stamina will be limited, but God’s patience and stamina will be all-powerful, thus giving you enough rocket fuel to be able to make it all of the way to the end of the trial. So again, look for God to give you this kind of divine power right in the middle of any type of bad trial that you may have to face in this life.

    4. God’s Knowledge and Wisdom on to What to Do

    The next thing you are going to need from the Lord is His divine knowledge and wisdom on what specific steps you will need to take during the different parts of the trial. Not only will God give you His divine protection, strength, and courage, but He will also guide you as to what specific action and steps you will need to take on your end.

    In many of these types of heavier trials, you will need God’s specific strategies on how to deal with each part of the trial, as our knowledge levels are limited and imperfect.

    God is not only all-powerful, but He is also all-knowing, which means that He will always have perfect knowledge and wisdom on how to handle any type of trial that may come our way in this life. As such, we really need to learn how to rely on it if we want to have any hope of being able to make it all the way through the trial with any type of victory.

    We have a very good detailed article in our Bible Basics section titled, “Seeking After the Knowledge of God.” In this article, we give you all of the main verses from the Bible that will show you that not only is God all-knowing, but that He also wants to transmit some of His divine knowledge and wisdom down to us through the Holy Spirit if we will be open to receiving it from Him. And when you get into some of these heavier types of trials, you are going to need God’s knowledge and wisdom so you will know exactly what specific chess moves you will need to make on your end. One wrong chess move on your end could cause complete defeat to occur.
    You also may want to read another good article we have in our Bible Basics section on how God will actually communicate to you. The title of this article is, “How to Be Led by the Holy Spirit.” The Holy Spirit will be the One who will actually transmit the knowledge that God will want you to have for the trial. In this article, we give you all of the different ways the Holy Spirit will supernaturally communicate to you.

    Again, you will need God’s knowledge and wisdom flowing through you if you want to have any chance of making it through some of these tougher types of trials. This factor right here is the reason why so many Christians end up getting totally defeated with some of the trials that have come their way – all due to them relying on their own natural knowledge and wisdom instead of relying on God’s knowledge and wisdom as to what they should be doing on their end as they journey through the trial.

    5. God’s Knowledge and Wisdom on What to Say

    When God’s knowledge and wisdom starts to flow through you so you will know exactly what steps you will need to take on your end, there will also be another thing that you will find occurring. Not only will God tell you what to do and when to do it, but He will also help you with what you will need to say, especially during some of the more heated moments of the trial. Sometimes you can get a bit tongue-tied and will not know what to say next, especially if your adrenaline is really pumping.

    If you are a woman, and you have been caught up in a physically abusive relationship with a boyfriend or a husband, you know saying the wrong thing at the wrong time could cause him to strike out at you. What will happen until God can get this situation properly corrected and dealt with, is that the Holy Spirit will give you inner knowings as to what to say, how to say it, and when to say it so you do not provoke him into wanting to strike out at you.

    If you have been called to testify in a courtroom of law against a criminal for a crime he has committed, the Holy Spirit can give you a nice flow of words on the witness stand so you can get the real truth transmitted to the judge and jury.

    If you are an attorney presenting a closing argument on a very heavy case to a jury and you know the truth is on your side – again, the Holy Spirit can help guide your speech as to what to say and how to say it so you can convince both the judge and jury that the real truth is on your side.

    Here is a major power verse that will show you that the Holy Spirit can help guide your speech when you will need His wisdom on how to express something:
    “He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water. But this He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.” (John 7:38)
    The key word to pick up from this verse is the word “flow” – out of your heart will “flow rivers of living water.” The Holy Spirit can release different types of flows for you. One flow would be the gift of tongues, but another flow is when He will start guiding your own natural speech so you will know what to say and how to say it.

    This is not the gift of prophecy where God is giving you the exact words. This is just the Holy Spirit guiding your own natural speech so you will know exactly what to say so you can get the real truth transmitted to the person you are talking to.

    This kind of flow cannot only be given to you in the middle of a heavier type of trial, but it can also be given to you at any time during the course of your normal, every day activities, as we all have little skirmishes and problems that can erupt at a moment’s notice. Just learn how to be guided by it when it does come up on you, as this is one incredible gift to have operating through you, as at times we can all get a bit tongue-tied and will not know how to properly express ourselves.

    6. God’s Favor

    Another thing you will need from the Lord when going through a heavier type of trial is His favor. And again, God’s divine favor will also be included in His anointing.

    If you have been unjustly sued by another individual or company and the truth is on your side, you will now need God’s favor operating so the judge and jury will end up ruling on your side.

    In the Stories and Testimonies section of our site, we have a very good testimony of this actually occurring to a woman who got dragged into a very unscrupulous lawsuit. The title of this article is,“Battle Prayer Against An Unjust Lawsuit.”

    This woman had to go all the way through to the actual trial itself, but on the very first day of the trial, and after she had testified before the judge, the judge let her completely off. And then to top it off, the other defense attorneys who were representing the other defendants in the case agreed they would pay for all of her legal fees. This woman thus ended up with a complete victory on the very first day of the trial, and she also ended up not having to pay a dime for the legal fees she had already incurred before the first day of the trial.

    There is no doubt in my mind that what turned the tide on this case was the battle prayer we had drawn up for her. Once you turn the entire situation over to the Lord for Him to fully handle with a good heartfelt prayer, then God will move mightily on your behalf to help you get through the storm cloud.

    So again, look for God’s favor to start operating for you if there are going to be different people involved in the trial with you. Sometimes you will need certain doors to open up for you so you can then go to the next step – and God’s favor is what will open up these doors for you. For example:

    • If you have just lost your job and you are now seeking for a new job, God’s favor can easily come upon the next employer He will want you to be working for so they will hire you
    • If you are due for a new promotion at the job you are currently working at, then God’s favor can come upon your boss so he will promote you to the next new level
    • If the company you are working for is starting to lay off employees due to the bad recession we are currently in and you are afraid you may be next, then God’s favor can come upon your boss so they do not let you go
    There are literally an endless number of examples where you will need God’s favor operating in your life so you can get to the positions God will be wanting you to reach in this life. Here are some of the key verses from the Bible showing you that God can literally give you His divine favor when it will really be needed in this life.
    1. “But the Lord was with Joseph and showed him mercy, and He gave him favor in the sight of the keeper of the prison.” (Genesis 39:21-23)
    2. “For You, O Lord, will bless the righteous; with favor You will surround him as with a shield.” (Psalm 5:12)
    3. “For the Lord God is a sun and shield; The Lord will give grace and glory; No good thing will He withold from those who walk uprightly.” (Psalm 84:11)
    4. And so find favor and high esteem in the sight of God and man.” (Proverbs 3:4)
    5. When a man’s ways please the Lord, He makes even his enemies to be at peace with him.” (Proverbs 16:7)
    Again, ground and believe on these types of verses if you will ever need God’s favor to come into a particular situation in your life.


    As you can see from reviewing all of the above, God can move mightily on your behalf just like He did with King David and many of the other people in the Bible.

    Just realize and believe there is absolutely nothing that the power of God cannot totally defeat and overcome if you will just fully surrender both yourself and the entire situation into God’s hands, and from there, work with Him and do exactly what He leads you to do.

    Try to do it your way and you could crash and burn. Do it God’s way and it will turn out exactly like He will want it too.

Bible verse of the day

If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!

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