Monday, July 22, 2013

God Will Anoint You For Battle

fs we all know, and as we explained to you in our article titled, “Trials and Tribulations – The Testing of Your Faith,” most people in this life will have to face a certain amount of trials and tribulations, and this includes every single Christian.

In the above article, we give you all of the main verses from the Bible as to why this has to occur even to Christians who are fully serving the Lord and walking in His perfect will for their lives.

In this article I want to point out and highlight for you, that even though we all have to go through a certain amount of trials and tribulations in this life, God will still be with you and help you get through each storm cloud that will come into your life. God will not leave you, forsake you, or turn His back on you just because you have fallen into the middle of a severe trial.

What Does Your Future Hold?


Did you know that you have a great cloud of witnesses cheering you on as you go about your life on earth? Hebrews 12:1 says:
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us… (KJV).

When Christians die, their spirits go on to be with the Lord, and they become part of this great cloud of witnesses. Part of the definition for the word “witnesses” implies agreement and exhortation. These witnesses are not only very much aware of the unfolding plan of God on the earth, they know what’s happening in your life and are cheering you on from the grandstand of heaven, adding the power of their agreement to the course you’re running in this life.

One thing these witnesses cannot do yet is step into their eternal calling of ruling and reigning with the Lord because that requires a physical body. In order to fulfill this calling across the vastness of a universal creation that is temporal and physical, we have to have a physical body.